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Created for Diario, Edizione Ambiente (2016), DeAgostini (Fairy Oak e Graceling), Rwd Magazine...
published on Ibs, Repubblica, VerdeNero. Set of requested sizes: animated gifs and Flash animations. 2005 - 2018
Banner set to advertise the new twice a week news-stand releases of Diario. Created by animating Felix Petruska's headings and front cover drawings.
Banner to advertise investigation novels
Advertising Edizioni Ambiente initiatives. Animated gif Banner Set
DeAgostini: Flash banner sets to advertise the Fairy Oak and Graceling books collections
Flash banner set of various sizes,
to advertise the opening of a new shop and trend setting material for mobile,
with audio and Flash animation.
(Original animated versions available on request.)
Famous within the UK underground urban music circles, RWD mag was considered the largest magazine on youth music and lifestyle in the United Kingdom.
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